Historic Manassas, Inc.

About Historic Manassas

About HMI

Historic Manassas, Inc. (HMI) is a 501(c) (3) charitable, non-profit corporation funded by private donations and the City of Manassas. Since February 1986, Historic Manassas, Inc. has been leading the revitalization and promotion of Historic Downtown Manassas.
Historic Manassas, Inc.


Historic Manassas, Inc. engages the community to promote, preserve and enhance our vibrant Historic Downtown.

Our VALues

            have Integrity
            show Vibrancy
            are Enterprising in spirit
            are Passionate 
            demonstrate Creativity
            are Accountable to the Community

A Virginia Main Street Organization

HMI was created in 1986 to combat the decline of the downtown historic district and fill the empty storefronts created by the larger national trend of people leaving cities to live in the suburbs and shop at auto-centric malls. Ten years earlier, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, a nonprofit organization that works to save America’s historic places, had grown alarmed that shopping malls and sprawl development were diverting retail sales from downtowns, resulting in a downward spiral of disinvestment as businesses failed, buildings fell into disrepair, and investment shifted to the suburbs. The National Trust started the National Main Street Center, finding that the key to revitalizing an older downtown was to approach the district’s problems and opportunities in a comprehensive manner, working simultaneously in four broad areas that they called the “Four Points”
HMI, as an accredited Main Street program, works within those four points to continue the work they began in 1986 to maintain Historic Downtown Manassas as the center and heart of the community. Under contract to the City, HMI also manages the City’s Visitor Center, the Farmer’s Market and several annual community events.
Main Street America
Main Street America has been helping to revitalize older and historic commercial districts for 40 years. Made up of small towns, mid-sized communities, and urban commercial districts, Main Street America represents the broad diversity that makes this country so unique.
Virginia Main Street
Since 1985, the Virginia Main Street (VMS) program has been helping to pave the way for successful and enduring community revitalization driven by the National Main Street Center’s (NMSC) Main Street Approach.

Our Accomplishments

Historic Manassas, Inc. was formed to promote a positive image of Historic Downtown Manassas and to perpetuate its revitalization. To reach these goals, the organization proudly plays a leadership role in community issues. Historic Manassas, Inc. also acts as a clearinghouse for valuable information and services that retailers and property owners can use to improve their businesses and buildings.

Historic Manassas, Inc. promotes Historic Downtown Manassas by sponsoring special events throughout the year to bring local residents and visitors downtown, and to reinforce the identity of the historic area. Historic Manassas, Inc. also organizes a co-op advertising program for the businesses, making both television and print advertising affordable to small business owners.

Historic Manassas, Inc. has been instrumental in providing Historic Downtown Manassas with a unifying visual concept to enhance its identity. The historic district is identified through facade design, new construction design, and distinctive signage. Historic Manassas, Inc. sponsors the banners on the lamp posts, and works closely with the Beautification Committee and the Manassas Garden Club to plant flowers along the streets.

Contribute to Historic Manassas, Inc.

Support Local manassas

Looking to impress the people on your gift list this year? Shop small over a mega-retailer! Find unique, handcrafted pieces this holiday season and support your local shops in Historic Downtown Manassas!

“Improving the local economy” captures most of the headlines when discussing the idea of shopping local but honestly, there are a lot more great reasons to make it a conscious consideration. Here are just a few examples…

The math for buying close to home is compelling - for every $100 spent at a locally-owned business, $73 remains in the local economy. Compare that to the same $100 spent at a non-locally owned business, where only $43 remains in the local economy. Recent research from Civic Economics (civiceconomics.com) indicates that local eateries return nearly 79 percent of revenues to the community, compared to just over 30 percent for chain retilers.

In addition to generating more tax revenue per sales dollar, taxes paid by small, local businesses are widely used to support schools, parks, roads, and other local programs that benefit your friends, family, and community.

Unique & exclusive - Often times the production of small-batch products involves the use of techniques, processes, and/or ingredients that might not be seen as “cost-efficient” in mass production. When you shop at local businesses, you’re likely getting something that’s unique and exclusive.

Local businesses are better at creating higher-paying jobs for your neighbors. When you shop locally, you help create jobs for teachers, firemen, police officers, and many other essential professions.

Creativity and entrepreneurship are what the American economy is founded upon. Nurturing local business en­sures a strong community.
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Historic Manassas, Inc.
Visitor Center at the Train Depot
9431 West Street
Manassas, Virginia 20110
City of Manassas
Main Street America
Virginia Main Street
Virginia is for Lovers
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