Historic Manassas, Inc.

Support HMI


Old Town Manassas, or the Manassas Historic District, is a national historic district located at Manassas, Virginia. It encompasses 206 contributing buildings and 1 contributing object in the central business district and surrounding residential area of city of Manassas.


By donating to Historic Manassas, you are supporting the mission of this non-profit organization to preserve and promote Historic Downtown Manassas and its cultural heritage.

Money raised is used to support the operations of Historic Manassas, which includes putting on community based, family-friendly events, supporting new businesses and partnering with local businesses to promote Historic Downtown Manassas. As a public/private partnership, Historic Manassas, Inc. depends on the City of Manassas, as well as local citizens and corporations for its existence.

Get Involved in Committees

Serving on a Historic Manassas committee provides you the chance to contribute, to learn, and to participate with others who share your passion for our Historic Downtown. You will participate in shaping the experience of Downtown for visitors, citizens and businesses.

There are no dues or fees associated with participation – only the time you voluntarily contribute to the committee activities. Each committee has regular meetings within Downtown. Reach out to learn more.


The Design Committee concentrates on keeping Downtown in top physical shape and creating a safe, inviting environment for shoppers, workers and visitors. The committee takes advantage of the visual opportunities inherent in our Historic Downtown by directing attention to all of its physical elements: public and private buildings, storefronts, signs, public spaces, parking areas, street furniture, public art, landscaping, merchandising, window displays, and promotional materials.

Promotions Committee

Promotion takes many forms, but the goal is to create a positive image that will keep a high level of community pride and consumer and investor confidence in Downtown. Advertising, retail promotions, special events, and marketing campaigns help sell the image and promise of our Historic Downtown to the community and surrounding region. This committee communicates Downtown’s unique characteristics, business establishments, and activities to shoppers, investors, potential business and property owners, and visitors.

Economic Vitality Committee

Economic restructuring strengthens our community’s existing economic assets while diversifying its economic base. Retaining and expanding successful businesses to provide a balanced commercial mix, sharpening the competitiveness and merchandising skills of business owners, and attracting new businesses that the market can support, accomplish the goal of building a commercial district that responds to the needs of today’s consumers.

Organization Committee

The Organization Committee establishes consensus and cooperation by building partnerships among the various groups that have a stake in the Historic Downtown. By getting everyone working toward the same goal, it can provide effective, ongoing management and advocacy for the Downtown area. Through volunteer recruitment and collaboration with partners representing a broad cross section of the community, the program can incorporate a wide range of perspectives into its efforts.


Volunteer with HMI

Have you ever wanted to be a part of the “behind the scenes” of Manassas Events or share Manassas with others? Make new friends, serve your community, and have fun. Join Historic Manassas, Inc. as a volunteer!

Visitor Center Volunteer


Farmers Market Volunteer


Special event volunteer

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Historic Manassas, Inc.
Visitor Center at the Train Depot
9431 West Street
Manassas, Virginia 20110
City of Manassas
Main Street America
Virginia Main Street
Virginia is for Lovers
Copyright © 2025 Historic Manassas, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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